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Vanuatu President dissolves Parliament

The national broadcaster in Vanuatu is reporting that the President Nikenike Vurobaravu has signed an Instrument for the Dissolution of Parliament and copies of the signed document are circulating online.

This comes on the eve of a proposed no-confidence motion in the leadership of the Prime Minister Bob Loughman which the Opposition was preparing to table in an extraordinary sitting of parliament on Friday morning.

RNZ Pacific has spoken with the Speaker of Parliament Seule Simeon who said he has heard the national broadcaster VBTC reporting that the President has signed an Instrument for the Dissolution of Parliament but he himself is yet to see the actual document.

According to the instrument, the President made the decision on the advice of the Council of Ministers and it comes into effect on the day which it was made, which is today, 18 August 2022.

Photo file Caption: Vanuatu Parliament chambers