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Luminous Technologies Launches Luminous CRM: A Revolutionary WhatsApp-Based Marketing and CustomerEngagement Tool

Luminous Technologies, an innovator in Uganda’s digital solutions space, has launched Luminous CRM, a comprehensiveWhatsApp engagement and marketing platform designed to optimize conversations to accelerate business growth. Luminous CRM leverages the official WhatsApp Business API, offering businesses unparalleled customer support, automation, and marketing capabilities. The tool has a comprehensive list of benefits; which is why it has fast become a force that businesses across Uganda are adopting. Luminous CRM serves clients across various domains, including Education, B2C & E-commerce, Real Estate, Marketing Companies, Finance & Banking, Retail, Tours & Travels, Media, Events & Trade Fairs, and more.

The benefits, according to founder and CEO, ShadrackMuwanguzi, span the continuum of client relationship management needs.

Revolutionize Customer Support with A.I Powered Chatbots on WhatsApp

According to Shadrack Muwanguzi, with Luminous CRM, businesses can revolutionize their customer support by deploying cutting-edge A.I. powered chatbots on WhatsApp. 

These chatbots deliver fully automated rich-media services and are equipped to handle customer queries 24/7, reducing the need for extensive human intervention. From sending images and files to handling videos, Luminous CRM’s chatbots offer a smart and automated customer support experience like never before,” explained Shadrack Muwanguzi.

Seamless Multi-Agent Live Chat Dashboard for Customer Support

He added that the Luminous CRM also solves customer support challenges swiftly with its Multi-Agent Live Chat Dashboard. 

Businesses can qualify leads at various conversation stages automatically or manually using attributes. The platform allows configuration of pre-set responses for human agents, enabling quick responses during live chats. Additionally, Luminous CRM facilitates seamless chatbot to human agent transfers and vice versa for efficient query resolution,” added Shadrack.

Efficiently Manage Contacts with In-Built Customer Database

Shadrack further explained that Luminous CRM empowers businesses to efficiently manage their contacts with an in-built customer database. Citing that the platform provides an extensive user profile that drives insights for better understanding and personalized engagement. Businesses can add various tags and attributes to each customer, facilitating targeted marketing campaigns and enhanced customer experiences.

Unlock the Potential of WhatsApp Broadcasts

Luminous CRM enables businesses to broadcast promotional messages, offers, new product launches, webinar reminders, payment reminders, and more to a vast audience of up to 100,000+ users in a single click. With real-time WhatsApp Broadcast Analytics, businesses can track audience size, message delivery status, and user engagement. Importing contacts in a CSV file and launching a WhatsApp Broadcast has never been simpler.

Drive Orders and Boost Revenues with WhatsApp Commerce

Businesses can drive orders and boost revenues through WhatsApp Catalogs, Cart, and the in-built commerce dashboard provided by Luminous CRM. The platform facilitates seamless collection of payments on WhatsApp using WhatsApp Pay and other modes of payments such as Flutterwave, IoTec, and more.

Enhance Credibility and Trust with Verified Green Tick

Luminous CRM allows businesses to unlock the verified green tick on their WhatsApp, establishing credibility and trust with customers. This verification badge enhances brand reputation and builds customer confidence in the services offered.

Automate WhatsApp Notifications for Enhanced Efficiency

Luminous CRM enables businesses to automate WhatsApp notifications for various triggers/events, including payment confirmations, abandoned carts, COD confirmations, and application drop-offs. The platform seamlessly integrates with popular CRMs like Hubspot, Zoho, payment portals, e-commerce stores like Shopify, WooCommerce, and automation platforms like Pabbly, Zapier, and more.

About Luminous Technologies:

Luminous Technologies is a digital solutions provider, committed to delivering innovative and cutting-edge technology solutions to businesses worldwide. With a focus on customer-centricity, Luminous Technologies empowers businesses to stay ahead in today’s dynamic and fast-paced digital landscape.