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Special needs schools receive digital devices

By Liapeng Raliengoane

MASERU – The Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) handed over the digital devices for teaching and learning granted by the South Korean Embassy in Pretoria to 23 schools from various districts in Lesotho last Wednesday.

These digital devices are comprised of tablets, interactive boards, tablets covers and stands.

Speaking at the handover ceremony, MoET Information Technology (IT) Department Inspector Kopano Tšehla revealed that the importance of these digital devices for special needs learners and teachers was that the schools would be able to use technology easily. He added that everything that would be appearing on the mobile phones would be easily projected on the smart boards.

On behalf of the schools, St. John’s Primary (Mafeteng) Principal Kh’acha Ramokoatsi conveyed a note of thanks directed at the MoET for giving their schools such an advanced technological boost as these devices will be of great help to both the teachers and learners and thus improving inclusive education access. Ramokoatsi made a promise that these digital devices will be cared for.

Minister of Education and Training Hon. ‘Mamookho Phiri expressed gratitude to the government of South Korea, saying that in 2020, the same embassy provided IT equipment to 20 inclusive secondary schools across the country.

“These devices are meant for special schools, from primary and post-primary schools from different districts as well as Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions which enroll learners with disabilities. We appreciate the mammoth task that these schools perform to support education for learners with special needs. These schools play a vital role by providing reasonable accommodation to learners with special needs to ensure that those learners like their peers have access to quality education as it is a right for every Mosotho child in this country,” Hon. Phiri made emphasis.

She also stressed the importance of implementing the Inclusive Education Policy as gestures like this one help in the attainment of such a policy, because the Ministry does not intend to leave any child behind.

Hon. Phiri further urged the schools to make sure that the devices are used efficiently and effectively by the intended beneficiaries.

“Let us not shelve them and turn them into ‘white elephants.’ If you need assistance on their functionality, do not hesitate to contact the Ministry as the IT team and Inspector shall always be available through the office of the Chief Executive Officer – Secondary Education. Let the learners and teachers use these devices to the best of their abilities for their educational growth and development,” said Hon. Phiri.

The selected schools included Lerato Primary in Leribe, Resource Centre for the Blind, St. Bernadette School for the Blind, St. Siprens Butha-Buthe, Seleso Primary, Abia High School, St. Catherines High, Life High School, ‘Mabathoana High, Motsekuoa Primary, St. Paul School for the Deaf, Mt. Royal Primary and High School, Kananelo School for the Deaf, St. John’s primary, St. Mary’s Vocational, Ithuseng Vocational Centre, Mohloli oa Bophelo Vocational, Itjareng Vocational and the National Association of the Deaf Lesotho (NADL) among others.