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BEDCO Reinforces Entrepreneurship Learning Among Young PEOPLE Offers M100k to 50 Business Plan Competition winners

By Itumeleng Lipala & Mamokone Machabe

Basotho Enterprises Development Corporation (BEDCO) since 2019 launched a Business Plan Competition aimed at fostering an entrepreneurial culture among young people, as well as nurturing them to be future employers. It offers aspiring entrepreneurs a good opportunity to unleash their potential by kick-starting their ventures and honing their business skills. Informative Newspaper had interviews with some of the entrepreneurs whose companies won different amounts from M100, 000.00

Sum Adventures Pty Ltd

Itumeleng Lipala had an interview with Mr Noko Mpho, co-founder and CEO of Sum Adventures Pty Ltd, a tour operating company located in Maputsoe, Leribe. Established 2020, the business offers services in photography, videography, planning, organizing travel packages and event hosting for individuals and groups. With the M218, 800.00 prize money they received from the business plan competition, they plan to buy a company car to explore more destinations, computers and printer for their digital, and online marketing operations. Sum Adventures is for travel enthusiasts, be it within Lesotho or beyond. They aim to unite people by offering customized tourism packages for various tours. ‘’What makes Sum Adventures special? It is the first tour operating company in Maputsoe. It has enabled fellow residents travel more since we are within reach for their travel packages,’’ said Noko.

Pexy Licious (Pty) Ltd

 Pexy Licious owned by Palesa Pheko is a bakery businesses located at Masowe 1 Maseru, also received M100 000. She has so far managed to upgrade her business from a snack bar to a bigger bakery. With the funds, she bought display fridge, bread cutter, extra baking pans, baking sheets, counter and cake mixer. Her product range has grown to delicacies such as, pies, bread, scones, cakes and doughnuts available in bulks of 5kgs to 20kgs.

Being the only bakery in the area, customers find prices affordable whenever they arrive. ‘’Pexy Licious caters to all households at Masowe and surroundings. From homeowners, taxi drivers, factory workers, and pastry lovers,” said Ms Pheko.

Iconics Garments Pty Ltd

On fashion and textiles industry; Iconics Garments Pty Ltd produces premium health and safety garments for various industries like health, mining and construction. The garments protect customers from occupational hazards, harmful bacteria and fluids. In an interview with Aline Mabe of the Informative newspaper, Mosebetsi Rapitso co-founder of the company, assured the plan to purchase new equipment to increase production capacity and develop new innovative products under the brand with the M100 000. Their unique strategy is to enable businesses to purchase safety garments locally than import them.

Prosperity Productions

Prosperity Productions is a family business which manufactures handmade bags and home accessories. This business was registered in 2019 and has been operating from home since its establishment in 2016. Soon it relocate to Khubetsoana Bochabela T.C. Berea.  Mrs Rethabile Matela, the business founder mentioned in an interview with ‘Matsie Qhasane said they reuse off-cut fabrics from other manufacturers to create Afro-centric variety of hand bags, curtains, fabrics, containers and cushions.  

This business is aimed at inspiring young people to become entrepreneurs, create prosperity for Basotho, to showcase small business owners’ talent. In addition, they impart manufacturing skills to younger community members.  From the money won, Matela wants to realize her dream by purchasing high quality machines, to  help them manufacture high quality products.

City Kings Pty Ltd

Also in the manufacturing industry, fashion and textiles is Mr Molai Ntsau, founder and CEO City Kings Pty Ltd from 2015. It produces corporate clothing for businesses, trendy clothes for up-to-date young fashion addicts, branded school or work uniforms. Their clothing line is made of 100% cotton. With local cotton firms not servicing smaller businesses, Ntsau is forced to procure raw materials in South Africa.

With the M100 000 they won, they have ordered sewing machine and their expectation is to increase production rate and hire more people.

‘’City Kings credits its success to hiring educated people fresh graduates and experienced factory workers,’’ Ntsau said in his interview with Seipati Thabo that even though the business is located in Maseru, they employ nationals countrywide with the will to relocate. He enjoys working with young people who are active on social media and can always tell what is trending.

A’lora Hydra

25 year old Mosa Ramoeletsi is one of the young entrepreneurs who did not hesitate to seize the opportunity to grow her business by winning M100,000.00 in a business plan competition. She tells Nthabiseng Ratalane that A’lora Hydra is unique as they create new designs of bonnets which are currently mostly loved nationally and internationally women. They also offer customization to satin bonnets and pillowcases, which is a lovely touch that is often ordered as a gifts. Her products offer hair care essentials for Basotho women without always having to source from other countries.

“I started my business because I know that one key feature to every individual’s image is their Hair. Whether you keep it short or long, you will need maintenance products for it, which is why our brand A’lora Hydra aims to produce not only hair care products but teach customers hair management. We have noticed a rising popularity for authentic and natural products, and it is also a passion for the brand owner, which is where the main drive for the business comes from. I’d love to express my love for natural hair through products that are made to make it easier for one to maintain their hair. “ Ramoeletsi stated.

We want to motivate women to appreciate the routine of hair maintenance as it is in that routine, where one can have long lasting results.

Unleashed Creative Farms Pty Ltd

Thato Chabeli, another M100,000 business competition winner from Leribe plans to overhaul Lesotho’s meat sector with his rabbit meat production company. This owner of Unleashed Creative Farms Pty Ltd located at Peka in Leribe district said in his interview with Ts’oloane Mohlomi their company produces quality rabbit meat for the public.  Being in the Agricultural sector, Chabeli is passionate about. The business currently serves Maputsoe and Hlotse but they are looking to cover from those places to Maseru before the end of this year.

“Besides creating jobs, my business will benefit the country and particularly the health sector since we expose Basotho to beneficial rabbit meat – one of the leanest meats available posing less hazards compared to other meats. With my business I inspire young people to see the possibilities of running a profitable business in Lesotho’s rural areas where costs are affordable rather than in the big cities or urban areas,’’ he said. With the fund, he aims to commence with phase two implementation of business adding that he kept local mixed breeds for meat production.

Farmers Lane Meat Supply Pty Ltd

Still in agricultural sector is Farmers Lane Meat Supply Pty Ltd founded in 2019 by Ms Malisema Makhele from St. Monicas, Leribe. Farmers Lane Meat Supply sells a wide range of poultry and offers it in pieces.  “I was born and bred in a family of farmers so my upbringing excelled my passion, with the acquired skill set and knowledge of daily practice of animal care, it was easy to pick farming,” she said in an interview with Motlakamang Mohlokoane.

‘’Women were considered to be the weakling in the olden days because they were entitled to certain chores different from men and farming was among them. Today women specialize in agriculture and Ms Malisema Makhele is a perfect example as she embarked on the journey of raising live stock (piggery and poultry) for the purpose of meat production,’’ Motlakamang states.

She said that their unique selling proposition is providing meat that is attractively packaged, healthy and with no preservatives. She aspires to excel such that the need to import frozen meat into the country is reduced. Farmers Lane Meat Supply aims to contribute its share in diminishing hunger and promote the economy of the country as registered entity.

Mohlori Shea farms and adventures

Mohlori Shea farms and adventures is an agri-tourism business registered in December 2022 Ha Ts’ilo Matsieng in Maser. Business owner Mrs Puseletso Shea, mentioned their aim is to have camp site lodge at their gardens, equipped with onsite self-catering kitchen while on adventure. Activities pictured here include hiking, pony-trekking, horse riding services and monthly tours, Khoisan drawings expeditions at Thaba -Telle.

With their garden produce, they will supply local schools and hospitals with beans fast food businesses will be supplied with potatoes. She produces maize not for retail but to feed her livestock.

The lack of tourism enterprise in Matsieng is one reason why Shea opened her business, she tells ‘Matsie Qhasane in an interview. Her vision is to see residents sell to the tourists, then enjoying economic benefits as a community. With M100 000 funding she won from BEDCO, her dream is to build offices, purchase high quality camping equipment, hire 8 employees including a farm care taker who will take full responsibility of the farm.


Located at Hleoheng Nts’irele Leribe is a dairy business farm Mabelebele established in 2021 and owned by Mrs Mapaballo Ntobaki. They produce plain yogurt and sour milk. Ntobaki explained in a conversation with Mapaseka Tlalanyane that her sole purpose for entering the competition was to improve her business. She sells milk to hawkers in high quantities, to local residents the milk is sold at low prices prior to distribution to shops. She is planning to procure a milking machine which she will need after buying more cows for better production of dairy products.

Mokone Egg Circle

At Ha Tsolo opposite Likhathatso High School Maseru is Mokone Egg Circle established in 2022 by Mampho Mokone.  In an interview with ‘Matsie Qhasane, the owner they keep point of layer pullets for egg production purposes. Eggs are a cheaper source of protein and well chicken droppings as organic manure to help in other agricultural production processes for further nutritional benefits to the community of Ha Tsolo and the neighbouring places.

The M100 000.00 she won from BEDCO, has advanced her to purchase 750 chickens at M80 000.00 and M20 000.00 worth of feeds, water and electricity. Ha Tsolo residents now have ample supply of fresh eggs in their community unlike in the past when had to buy eggs in town.

Aqua Infinity Pty Ltd

Alina Mabe visited Aqua Infinity Pty Ltd, a mixed agricultural enterprise located at Literapeng Ha Mots’oane Leribe. Maponts’o Mosili the founder says they produce fresh and affordable vegetables such as cabbage, sweet peppers, tomatoes, potatoes and grains in particular maize and beans. Mrs Mosili explained that they hire local residents irrespective of educational level. Her aim is poverty alleviation through job creation in her local community. She has been hiring different kinds of people and now that her business production is set to increase in this she will need more employees.

With the money (M100 000) she won from the competition, she will purchase greenhouse (tunnel) with its drip irrigation system and pay for the installation, a long term need for tomatoes and peppers to grow in better weather conditions. She supplies street vendors and Fruits & Vegetables Supermarkets from Leribe, Butha Buthe and Mokhotlong. Her goal is to extend to other districts in particular Maseru. Currently she is selling at low scale due to low productivity and this sometimes ends in shortages for her customers. The objective of Aqua Infinity is to providing Lesotho with fresh vegetables at very affordable prices and ultimately Lesotho will become independent vegetables production country.

Big Nest Farm

Rathaha ‘Matli, a 27 years old Mosotho man is the owner and founder of the Big Nest Farm an agro-processing company that will produce layer chickens also known as golden comets. This business began operating in November 2021 in Teyateyaneng, Berea. “Our chickens are going to be produced in the country and they are going to adapt easily to the weather conditions here,” He said during an iterview with Kananelo Ndunduzela. ‘Matli is aiming to see Big Nest Farm grow into a large business, although they want to begin selling locally, they also want to export their products one day.

They will be selling to ex-production farmers, South African agents in Lesotho who buy layers in bulk. Big Nest Farm plans to employ, reduce import costs, then support sports in the community with their profits. Being among the BEDCO winners will allow him to realize these dreams.

Monate Fish Farming

Lesotho’s very own young man Mothimokholo Sefeane aged 24 had a substantial vision of fish farming and augmented a company called Monate Fish Farming. Sefeane having realized the need for fish farming started a business as an alternative to Maqalika fish farming. “Maqalika fishing is indictable and the fish there is not healthy since no one takes care of the pond!”

In an interview with Lefulesele Mahana, Sefeane has a mission for fish is highly demanded, a better alternative of red meat as professionals say it is easily digested. Though there is trout, there is still a shortage of fish in the country. His market is targeted at people with chronic illnesses advised to avoid meat and poultry.

He wants to impart fish farming skills to Basotho in order to achieve large scale produce. The ultimate goal is to create a need to have fish imports restricted.  His business is unique since he is building a biofloc fish farming that will enable reuse of water. From BEDCO funds, he aims to build the bioflocs. Soon after building, his fish stock from Pretoria will arrive.

The Greatest Farm Products Pty ltd

The Greatest Farm Products Pty ltd is a cash crop farming business located at Makhalaneng in Maseru. They produce cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuces and onions then sell to make profit. 27 year old Mohale Makebanyane, founded the business to sell a variety of cucumbers and tomatoes called indeterminate; the stalks grow upwards in height other than in bushes. This allows them to sell all year long. They produce a steady supply of tomatoes that one can harvest from six to eight months. “Majority of local farmers produce a variety called determinate that can only be harvested once in a season, therefore their supply is going to be consistent and reliable,” he said while having a conversation with Moipone Lets’sosa.

The Gross Domestic Production

The Gross Domestic Production will be educating youth about sustainable farming, encourage them to farm.  With seed capital of M100 000 from the Business Plan Competition, Makebanyane has managed to buy raw materials he needed such as a shade net for his crops. He bought a pump, water tank and installed an irrigational system to aid high production. He also bought seeds, tools and fertilizers he will cover operational costs. Basotho’s youth commitment in agriculture seems to be a breakthrough in unemployment and depressed country’s economy.

SYL ROSS Chicks Hatchery

Mphotleng Letuka (34) and Mrs Ts’oanelo Sylvia Thonkha (33) are the founders of SYL ROSS Chicks Hatchery in Thaba-Tseka, Hospital Area. They describe their business sells vaccinated day old chicks. They fertilize the eggs, incubate them for 21days and vaccinate the new chicks before selling them.

After noticing that Thaba-Tseka poultry farmers struggled with chicks, delivery transport from Maseru and sometimes South Africa they saw an opportunity to do business.  “During long trips the chicks are prone to dying due to extreme volatile temperatures. Most of poultry farmers import chicks from South Africa so this is a great opportunity for them to get their products close by,” Letuka stated in an interview with Limpho Rantletse.

With the M100,00.00 they have won from BEDCO, they plan to purchase a generator to back up their electricity during power cuts. They shall acquire business site and pay deposit towards a building because they currently use a rented place. They are intending to purchase layer chickens, grow the hatched chicks and sell the meat in future. Their want to smaller businesses from Thaba-Tseka and other districts in Lesotho, purchase the day old chicks in bulks and sell for themselves.

Temaneng Innovation in Farming

Temaneng Innovation in Farming was established in 2020 and registered in 2022. It aims to produce good organic crops hence the need for a shade net structure to protect crops from harsh weather conditions. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, cash crops were imported in large numbers from other countries and this triggered Tlhabeli to start a cash crop farming at Temaneng village in Qeme Maseru. ‘Muso Nkhasi talks to Binyane Tlhabeli owner of the business. “With the M100 000 I won from BEDCO, I wants a shade net to cover my farm.”

At the time of the interview he had only made quotations while awaiting the full amount of the prize, which would leave most part of the farmland open. “The moment I cover this whole land with a shade net, I will be able to produce food and there will be no need to import crops from other countries,” he explained. He produced 1 200 cabbage heads last year and sold M10 each to street vendors, shops and individuals. This year, he aims to make M100 000 with the 10 000 cabbage seedlings he has planted. “Last year’s production inspired me to produce more this year because I realised it’s possible,” he added. He faces one challenge of water supply whereby he has to yoke animals to the water well, he therefore wishes to have water tanks as well.

BEDCO Reinforces Entrepreneurship Learning Among Young PEOPLE

Offers M100k to 50 Business Plan Competition winners

Itumeleng Lipala & Mamokone Machabe

Basotho Enterprises Development Corporation (BEDCO) since 2019 launched a Business Plan Competition aimed at fostering an entrepreneurial culture among young people, as well as nurturing them to be future employers. It offers aspiring entrepreneurs a good opportunity to unleash their potential by kick-starting their ventures and honing their business skills. Informative Newspaper had interviews with some of the entrepreneurs whose companies won different amounts from M100, 000.00

Sum Adventures Pty Ltd

Itumeleng Lipala had an interview with Mr Noko Mpho, co-founder and CEO of Sum Adventures Pty Ltd, a tour operating company located in Maputsoe, Leribe. Established 2020, the business offers services in photography, videography, planning, organizing travel packages and event hosting for individuals and groups. With the M218, 800.00 prize money they received from the business plan competition, they plan to buy a company car to explore more destinations, computers and printer for their digital, and online marketing operations. Sum Adventures is for travel enthusiasts, be it within Lesotho or beyond. They aim to unite people by offering customized tourism packages for various tours. ‘’What makes Sum Adventures special? It is the first tour operating company in Maputsoe. It has enabled fellow residents travel more since we are within reach for their travel packages,’’ said Noko.

Pexy Licious (Pty) Ltd

 Pexy Licious owned by Palesa Pheko is a bakery businesses located at Masowe 1 Maseru, also received M100 000. She has so far managed to upgrade her business from a snack bar to a bigger bakery. With the funds, she bought display fridge, bread cutter, extra baking pans, baking sheets, counter and cake mixer. Her product range has grown to delicacies such as, pies, bread, scones, cakes and doughnuts available in bulks of 5kgs to 20kgs.

Being the only bakery in the area, customers find prices affordable whenever they arrive. ‘’Pexy Licious caters to all households at Masowe and surroundings. From homeowners, taxi drivers, factory workers, and pastry lovers,” said Ms Pheko.

Iconics Garments Pty Ltd

On fashion and textiles industry; Iconics Garments Pty Ltd produces premium health and safety garments for various industries like health, mining and construction. The garments protect customers from occupational hazards, harmful bacteria and fluids. In an interview with Aline Mabe of the Informative newspaper, Mosebetsi Rapitso co-founder of the company, assured the plan to purchase new equipment to increase production capacity and develop new innovative products under the brand with the M100 000. Their unique strategy is to enable businesses to purchase safety garments locally than import them.

Prosperity Productions

Prosperity Productions is a family business which manufactures handmade bags and home accessories. This business was registered in 2019 and has been operating from home since its establishment in 2016. Soon it relocate to Khubetsoana Bochabela T.C. Berea.  Mrs Rethabile Matela, the business founder mentioned in an interview with ‘Matsie Qhasane said they reuse off-cut fabrics from other manufacturers to create Afro-centric variety of hand bags, curtains, fabrics, containers and cushions.  

This business is aimed at inspiring young people to become entrepreneurs, create prosperity for Basotho, to showcase small business owners’ talent. In addition, they impart manufacturing skills to younger community members.  From the money won, Matela wants to realize her dream by purchasing high quality machines, to  help them manufacture high quality products.

City Kings Pty Ltd

Also in the manufacturing industry, fashion and textiles is Mr Molai Ntsau, founder and CEO City Kings Pty Ltd from 2015. It produces corporate clothing for businesses, trendy clothes for up-to-date young fashion addicts, branded school or work uniforms. Their clothing line is made of 100% cotton. With local cotton firms not servicing smaller businesses, Ntsau is forced to procure raw materials in South Africa.

With the M100 000 they won, they have ordered sewing machine and their expectation is to increase production rate and hire more people.

‘’City Kings credits its success to hiring educated people fresh graduates and experienced factory workers,’’ Ntsau said in his interview with Seipati Thabo that even though the business is located in Maseru, they employ nationals countrywide with the will to relocate. He enjoys working with young people who are active on social media and can always tell what is trending.

A’lora Hydra

25 year old Mosa Ramoeletsi is one of the young entrepreneurs who did not hesitate to seize the opportunity to grow her business by winning M100,000.00 in a business plan competition. She tells Nthabiseng Ratalane that A’lora Hydra is unique as they create new designs of bonnets which are currently mostly loved nationally and internationally women. They also offer customization to satin bonnets and pillowcases, which is a lovely touch that is often ordered as a gifts. Her products offer hair care essentials for Basotho women without always having to source from other countries.

“I started my business because I know that one key feature to every individual’s image is their Hair. Whether you keep it short or long, you will need maintenance products for it, which is why our brand A’lora Hydra aims to produce not only hair care products but teach customers hair management. We have noticed a rising popularity for authentic and natural products, and it is also a passion for the brand owner, which is where the main drive for the business comes from. I’d love to express my love for natural hair through products that are made to make it easier for one to maintain their hair. “ Ramoeletsi stated.

We want to motivate women to appreciate the routine of hair maintenance as it is in that routine, where one can have long lasting results.

Unleashed Creative Farms Pty Ltd

Thato Chabeli, another M100,000 business competition winner from Leribe plans to overhaul Lesotho’s meat sector with his rabbit meat production company. This owner of Unleashed Creative Farms Pty Ltd located at Peka in Leribe district said in his interview with Ts’oloane Mohlomi their company produces quality rabbit meat for the public.  Being in the Agricultural sector, Chabeli is passionate about. The business currently serves Maputsoe and Hlotse but they are looking to cover from those places to Maseru before the end of this year.

“Besides creating jobs, my business will benefit the country and particularly the health sector since we expose Basotho to beneficial rabbit meat – one of the leanest meats available posing less hazards compared to other meats. With my business I inspire young people to see the possibilities of running a profitable business in Lesotho’s rural areas where costs are affordable rather than in the big cities or urban areas,’’ he said. With the fund, he aims to commence with phase two implementation of business adding that he kept local mixed breeds for meat production.

Farmers Lane Meat Supply Pty Ltd

Still in agricultural sector is Farmers Lane Meat Supply Pty Ltd founded in 2019 by Ms Malisema Makhele from St. Monicas, Leribe. Farmers Lane Meat Supply sells a wide range of poultry and offers it in pieces.  “I was born and bred in a family of farmers so my upbringing excelled my passion, with the acquired skill set and knowledge of daily practice of animal care, it was easy to pick farming,” she said in an interview with Motlakamang Mohlokoane.

‘’Women were considered to be the weakling in the olden days because they were entitled to certain chores different from men and farming was among them. Today women specialize in agriculture and Ms Malisema Makhele is a perfect example as she embarked on the journey of raising live stock (piggery and poultry) for the purpose of meat production,’’ Motlakamang states.

She said that their unique selling proposition is providing meat that is attractively packaged, healthy and with no preservatives. She aspires to excel such that the need to import frozen meat into the country is reduced. Farmers Lane Meat Supply aims to contribute its share in diminishing hunger and promote the economy of the country as registered entity.

Mohlori Shea farms and adventures

Mohlori Shea farms and adventures is an agri-tourism business registered in December 2022 Ha Ts’ilo Matsieng in Maser. Business owner Mrs Puseletso Shea, mentioned their aim is to have camp site lodge at their gardens, equipped with onsite self-catering kitchen while on adventure. Activities pictured here include hiking, pony-trekking, horse riding services and monthly tours, Khoisan drawings expeditions at Thaba -Telle.

With their garden produce, they will supply local schools and hospitals with beans fast food businesses will be supplied with potatoes. She produces maize not for retail but to feed her livestock.

The lack of tourism enterprise in Matsieng is one reason why Shea opened her business, she tells ‘Matsie Qhasane in an interview. Her vision is to see residents sell to the tourists, then enjoying economic benefits as a community. With M100 000 funding she won from BEDCO, her dream is to build offices, purchase high quality camping equipment, hire 8 employees including a farm care taker who will take full responsibility of the farm.


Located at Hleoheng Nts’irele Leribe is a dairy business farm Mabelebele established in 2021 and owned by Mrs Mapaballo Ntobaki. They produce plain yogurt and sour milk. Ntobaki explained in a conversation with Mapaseka Tlalanyane that her sole purpose for entering the competition was to improve her business. She sells milk to hawkers in high quantities, to local residents the milk is sold at low prices prior to distribution to shops. She is planning to procure a milking machine which she will need after buying more cows for better production of dairy products.

Mokone Egg Circle

At Ha Tsolo opposite Likhathatso High School Maseru is Mokone Egg Circle established in 2022 by Mampho Mokone.  In an interview with ‘Matsie Qhasane, the owner they keep point of layer pullets for egg production purposes. Eggs are a cheaper source of protein and well chicken droppings as organic manure to help in other agricultural production processes for further nutritional benefits to the community of Ha Tsolo and the neighbouring places.

The M100 000.00 she won from BEDCO, has advanced her to purchase 750 chickens at M80 000.00 and M20 000.00 worth of feeds, water and electricity. Ha Tsolo residents now have ample supply of fresh eggs in their community unlike in the past when had to buy eggs in town.

Aqua Infinity Pty Ltd

Alina Mabe visited Aqua Infinity Pty Ltd, a mixed agricultural enterprise located at Literapeng Ha Mots’oane Leribe. Maponts’o Mosili the founder says they produce fresh and affordable vegetables such as cabbage, sweet peppers, tomatoes, potatoes and grains in particular maize and beans. Mrs Mosili explained that they hire local residents irrespective of educational level. Her aim is poverty alleviation through job creation in her local community. She has been hiring different kinds of people and now that her business production is set to increase in this she will need more employees.

With the money (M100 000) she won from the competition, she will purchase greenhouse (tunnel) with its drip irrigation system and pay for the installation, a long term need for tomatoes and peppers to grow in better weather conditions. She supplies street vendors and Fruits & Vegetables Supermarkets from Leribe, Butha Buthe and Mokhotlong. Her goal is to extend to other districts in particular Maseru. Currently she is selling at low scale due to low productivity and this sometimes ends in shortages for her customers. The objective of Aqua Infinity is to providing Lesotho with fresh vegetables at very affordable prices and ultimately Lesotho will become independent vegetables production country.

Big Nest Farm

Rathaha ‘Matli, a 27 years old Mosotho man is the owner and founder of the Big Nest Farm an agro-processing company that will produce layer chickens also known as golden comets. This business began operating in November 2021 in Teyateyaneng, Berea. “Our chickens are going to be produced in the country and they are going to adapt easily to the weather conditions here,” He said during an iterview with Kananelo Ndunduzela. ‘Matli is aiming to see Big Nest Farm grow into a large business, although they want to begin selling locally, they also want to export their products one day.

They will be selling to ex-production farmers, South African agents in Lesotho who buy layers in bulk. Big Nest Farm plans to employ, reduce import costs, then support sports in the community with their profits. Being among the BEDCO winners will allow him to realize these dreams.

Monate Fish Farming

Lesotho’s very own young man Mothimokholo Sefeane aged 24 had a substantial vision of fish farming and augmented a company called Monate Fish Farming. Sefeane having realized the need for fish farming started a business as an alternative to Maqalika fish farming. “Maqalika fishing is indictable and the fish there is not healthy since no one takes care of the pond!”

In an interview with Lefulesele Mahana, Sefeane has a mission for fish is highly demanded, a better alternative of red meat as professionals say it is easily digested. Though there is trout, there is still a shortage of fish in the country. His market is targeted at people with chronic illnesses advised to avoid meat and poultry.

He wants to impart fish farming skills to Basotho in order to achieve large scale produce. The ultimate goal is to create a need to have fish imports restricted.  His business is unique since he is building a biofloc fish farming that will enable reuse of water. From BEDCO funds, he aims to build the bioflocs. Soon after building, his fish stock from Pretoria will arrive.

The Greatest Farm Products Pty ltd

The Greatest Farm Products Pty ltd is a cash crop farming business located at Makhalaneng in Maseru. They produce cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuces and onions then sell to make profit. 27 year old Mohale Makebanyane, founded the business to sell a variety of cucumbers and tomatoes called indeterminate; the stalks grow upwards in height other than in bushes. This allows them to sell all year long. They produce a steady supply of tomatoes that one can harvest from six to eight months. “Majority of local farmers produce a variety called determinate that can only be harvested once in a season, therefore their supply is going to be consistent and reliable,” he said while having a conversation with Moipone Lets’sosa.

The Gross Domestic Production

The Gross Domestic Production will be educating youth about sustainable farming, encourage them to farm.  With seed capital of M100 000 from the Business Plan Competition, Makebanyane has managed to buy raw materials he needed such as a shade net for his crops. He bought a pump, water tank and installed an irrigational system to aid high production. He also bought seeds, tools and fertilizers he will cover operational costs. Basotho’s youth commitment in agriculture seems to be a breakthrough in unemployment and depressed country’s economy.

SYL ROSS Chicks Hatchery

Mphotleng Letuka (34) and Mrs Ts’oanelo Sylvia Thonkha (33) are the founders of SYL ROSS Chicks Hatchery in Thaba-Tseka, Hospital Area. They describe their business sells vaccinated day old chicks. They fertilize the eggs, incubate them for 21days and vaccinate the new chicks before selling them.

After noticing that Thaba-Tseka poultry farmers struggled with chicks, delivery transport from Maseru and sometimes South Africa they saw an opportunity to do business.  “During long trips the chicks are prone to dying due to extreme volatile temperatures. Most of poultry farmers import chicks from South Africa so this is a great opportunity for them to get their products close by,” Letuka stated in an interview with Limpho Rantletse.

With the M100,00.00 they have won from BEDCO, they plan to purchase a generator to back up their electricity during power cuts. They shall acquire business site and pay deposit towards a building because they currently use a rented place. They are intending to purchase layer chickens, grow the hatched chicks and sell the meat in future. Their want to smaller businesses from Thaba-Tseka and other districts in Lesotho, purchase the day old chicks in bulks and sell for themselves.

Temaneng Innovation in Farming

Temaneng Innovation in Farming was established in 2020 and registered in 2022. It aims to produce good organic crops hence the need for a shade net structure to protect crops from harsh weather conditions. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, cash crops were imported in large numbers from other countries and this triggered Tlhabeli to start a cash crop farming at Temaneng village in Qeme Maseru. ‘Muso Nkhasi talks to Binyane Tlhabeli owner of the business. “With the M100 000 I won from BEDCO, I wants a shade net to cover my farm.”

At the time of the interview he had only made quotations while awaiting the full amount of the prize, which would leave most part of the farmland open. “The moment I cover this whole land with a shade net, I will be able to produce food and there will be no need to import crops from other countries,” he explained. He produced 1 200 cabbage heads last year and sold M10 each to street vendors, shops and individuals. This year, he aims to make M100 000 with the 10 000 cabbage seedlings he has planted. “Last year’s production inspired me to produce more this year because I realised it’s possible,” he added. He faces one challenge of water supply whereby he has to yoke animals to the water well, he therefore wishes to have water tanks as well.

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