Saint Lucia
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Months After Celebrating His Dad’s Birthday, Son Learns A Stray Bullet Killed The Older Man – St. Lucia Times

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On Thursday, Ian Harrigan, who lives in the United States, received the shocking news that a stray bullet hit his father, Joseph Harrigan, during a drive-by shooting in Marc, Bexon.

Ian recalled that after hearing the disturbing news from his cousin, he quickly booked a flight to Saint Lucia on Friday afternoon.

He said he went to the hospital, where he saw his father on a bed.

Joseph Harrigan – Deceased

Ian told St Lucia Times the doctor disclosed that the bullet had ruptured his father’s internal organs.

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As a result, the older man was bleeding internally, and his blood pressure was very low.

Ian said the medical staff were trying to stop the internal bleeding.

But he disclosed that the family got a call from the hospital asking the family to come in on Saturday.

“When we arrived, that told us he was not going to make it,” the distraught son told St Lucia Times.

Joseph Harrigan eventually succumbed.

“It’s just an unfortunate situation – the wrong place at the wrong time,” the deceased’s son declared.

He expressed concern over what he described as the ‘senseless shooting’ in Saint Lucia, where innocent people are getting hurt or killed.

“My dad just turned eighty in January of this year. We just had a nice 80th birthday party for him,” Ian observed.

The son said it was shocking and sad that after celebrating with the older man, he had returned home to bury him.

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Ian described his deceased father as well-known in the community and an individual whom people would greatly miss.

“He was the bush doctor in the community. He was a father to everybody,” he noted.

Joseph Harrigan was one of three men injured in the drive-by shooting at Marc, Bexon, on Thursday, May 11, 2023.

According to the police, private transportation conveyed the men to the hospital.

And officers have urged anyone with information regarding the shooting to contact the nearest police station, the Criminal Investigations Department at 456-3770, 456-3817, or the Crime Hotline at 555 for anonymous reporting.

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