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Anthony Says Peter Josie Should Be Charged Over Recent Statements – St. Lucia Times

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Declaring that there is no place for hatred in Saint Lucia politics, former Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony has said that veteran politician Peter Josie should be charged over recent controversial comments.

Last week at an opposition United Workers Party (UWP) event, Josie said:

“”I would try to mobilise Vieux-Fort, and no member of the Labour Party would ever visit Vieux-Fort. Every time I hear a young person from Vieux-Fort kill another, I wish somebody, if not me, could mobilise them so that they don’t kill each other, but I would tell them where the shooting should be.”

Dr. Anthony said when he heard the remarks, he shuddered.

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“Most people knew that the statement was not directed at all these labour party politicians but one man – Kenny Anthony,” the Vieux Fort South MP told the audience.

He asserted that the people of Vieux Fort South knew Josie was referring to their representative.

Anthony said it is part of the local culture to search for excuses when people do wrong things.

“He didn’t mean that. He said the wrong thing. But I put it to you tonight that it is only an individual with a criminal mind, with criminal intent who will make such a statement like the one Peter Josie made,” the former Prime Minister told the audience.

Nevertheless, Anthony questioned why Josie would be comfortable making such a statement at a UWP press conference.

And he declared it could only happen because of the culture of anger, intolerance, and hatred deep within the UWP’s psyche under its current leadership.

See also

In addition, Anthony said he believed Josie planned his statement and believed in what he was saying, knowing that those present at the UWP event would accept it.

“Listen to the video carefully and you will hear the applause in the background,” the Vieux Fort South MP said.

“Peter Josie should be charged for those utterances. You don’t need more evidence than the evidence on this video,” the former University of the West Indies Law lecturer said.

While not mentioning Peter Josie by name, a UWP statement Friday said: “We recognize that certain statements made on our platform, though be it through a guest appearance, may have been misconstrued as inciting violence. We deeply regret any misunderstanding, distress or concern that may have been caused.”

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