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Why Rebranding KRA to KRS will cost Kenyan taxpayers Sh2.7 Billion

The plan by the government to rebrand the Kenya Revenue Authority(KRA) will cost an estimated Sh2.7 billion.

This is according to estimates presented to the National Assembly by KRA’s acting Commissioner for Corporate Support Services, Ms Nancy Ng’etich.

Ms. Ng’etich presented the taxman’s estimates for the 2023/24 financial year to the Finance and National Planning Committee stating that rebranding KRA to Kenya Revenue Service (KRS) aims to boost revenue mobilization and create a more service-oriented organization.

She said the rebranding project will be implemented in two phases over the next six years, with each phase estimated to cost Sh1.34 billion.

However, committee member – Baringo North MP Joseph Makilap – wondered why the rebranding will cost the Kenyan taxpayer billions of shillings.

“The renaming of KRA to KRS is going to consume the figures as stated in the document you have presented to us. Why should it cost so much and is it necessary?” Makilap posed.

Ms. Ng’etich elaborated that the rebranding goes beyond a mere name change. She said it encompasses the transformation of systems and operations, as well as a shift in reputation, aiming to transition from a seemingly authoritative organization to a more approachable and friendly one.

“Moving KRA to KRS is meant to make it more customer-centric,” she told the committee.

The renaming of KRA was set in motion during the 12th Parliament through the introduction of the Kenya Revenue Authority (Amendment) Bill 2022.

“The name change is intended to rebrand the authority in order to transform its public image and thereby enhance tax compliance through improved public relations and a clear focus on the needs and rights of taxpayers,” the Bill states in part.