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African myths or sacred narratives are concerned primarily with

African myths and sacred narratives have a primary focus on various aspects, including the origin of the world, the creation of humans, the relationship between humans and gods, and the moral and ethical values of the culture. These narratives often involve supernatural beings such as gods, goddesses, spirits, and ancestors. They also explain natural phenomena like floods, droughts, and eclipses. Furthermore, African myths provide guidance on how to live a good life and interact with others in the community.

The transmission of African myths is primarily done orally from one generation to another. These narratives are filled with elements of humor, wisdom, and cautionary tales. They serve as a means to teach lessons about right and wrong while also explaining the customs and beliefs of specific cultures. African myths frequently incorporate supernatural elements such as talking animals, magical powers, and shape-shifting. Additionally, they often feature trickster figures like Anansi the spider who cleverly outwit their opponents.

Hurricanes hold significant meaning in many African cultures where they are seen as an indication of divine displeasure. Some believe that hurricanes are caused by angry gods or spirits while others view them as punishment for human wrongdoing. Certain cultures believe that hurricanes can be prevented through rituals or offerings made to the gods. Singing and dancing are considered ways to divert hurricanes according to other cultural beliefs. In some areas, powerful shamans or medicine men are believed to have control over hurricanes.

The Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert possess a creation myth that explains how the world came into existence through Cagn, a great spirit. According to this myth, Cagn created the world by throwing a handful of sand into the air which transformed into stars, moon, and sun. He then formed animals and humans from clay. Cagn bestowed upon humans the ability to think for themselves and make their own decisions while also granting them control over their destinies in order to survive in the harsh environment of the Kalahari Desert.

The authorship of the African Bushmen creation myth remains unknown. It is believed to have been passed down orally from generation to generation, likely undergoing adaptations and changes over time.

Recent reports have indicated that US President Donald Trump referred to certain countries in Africa as “shithole” countries during a meeting with politicians. These comments have been widely condemned as racist by the United Nations. It is not the first time such remarks have been attributed to the president. In a previous meeting, he allegedly made derogatory statements about Haitians and Nigerians. However, it is important to recognize that these stereotypes perpetuated by such comments are myths and can be dangerous.

Here are 15 other debunked myths about African countries:

  1. The belief that Africa is impoverished and will always remain so is false. While a significant portion of people in Sub-Saharan Africa live in extreme poverty, this number has been decreasing over time. Africa’s economy continues to grow, and a substantial percentage of Africans fall into the middle-class category. Additionally, six out of the ten fastest-growing economies in the world are located in Africa.
  2. The misconception that Africa is solely characterized by savannahs and wild animals was exemplified when Delta Airlines mistakenly used an image of a giraffe to represent Ghana during their congratulatory message on social media. In reality, there are no wild giraffes in Ghana.
  3. Africans do have access to modern technology, and it is a rapidly expanding market on the continent. Kenya serves as an example where people are four times more likely to own a mobile phone than having access to proper sanitation facilities.
  4. The assumption that Africa should strive to become like Western countries for development purposes overlooks areas where African nations surpass Western counterparts. For instance, Kenya generates a higher percentage of its energy from renewable sources like geothermal activities compared to Western nations’ reliance on non-renewable sources.
  5. Africa has a vibrant arts industry, with Nigeria’s Nollywood producing more films annually than Hollywood in the United States.
  6. Africans actively contribute to their own development and help themselves. In 2010, Africans living outside the continent sent back more money to their families than Western countries provided in official development assistance. Countless grassroots projects led by African individuals exist, making a significant impact on their communities, such as the health clinic established by Hawa Abdi in Somalia.
  7. Africa is linguistically diverse, with over 2,000 languages spoken across the continent. English is an official language in 24 African nations and widely taught in schools.
  8. Africa’s vastness is often underestimated; it is a continent of significant size and diversity.
  9. The stereotype that all African men carry machine guns is incorrect and perpetuates harmful assumptions about African masculinity.
  10. Not everyone in Africa has AIDS, and it is important to treat individuals suffering from any illness with dignity and respect.
  11. There are examples of good governance in Africa, such as President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia who received the Nobel Peace Prize for her non-violent struggle for women’s rights and leading her country through post-war recovery.
  12. Many Africans live in urban areas rather than mud houses in isolated locations.
  13. Africa has a vibrant party scene where people come together to celebrate and enjoy themselves.
  14. It is crucial to recognize that negative events occur globally every minute but should not solely define perceptions of any particular region or continent.