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Most Viewed Publications on Gainako Website – January to July 2022

By Yusef Taylor, FlexDan_YT

Today, Friday 2nd September 2022 Gainako Online Newspaper held an in-house awards ceremony recognising the most viewed/read stories every month from January to July 2022.

Each winner was awarded a certificate by the President of the Gambia Press Union for their achievement and received a complimentary cash prize for their story. Editor Yusef Taylor Flex Dan who initiated the in-house awards and won four months was exempted from any certificate or award.
On behalf of Gainako, we would like to thank all our readers and followers, the President of the GPU and all our contributors. We take this opportunity to congratulate all the winners and encourage everyone to take a moment to read some of the most read stories on this year.

The most read stories are not always the best stories but they tell us what the public is most interested in for that month. Below is a list of the winners for the most read/viewed story every month.

Another in-house awards ceremony will be held in early February 2023 for the most viewed/read stories from August to December 2022.

Gainako Editor Yusef Taylor and GPU President Muhammed MS Bah

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Yusef Taylor

Yusef Taylor, commonly known as Flex Dan is an editor and practising journalist based in the Gambia with a keen interest in human rights, the economy and good governance among many others. He continues to break news on the economy, human rights violations and is highly engaged in security sector reforms, constitutional reform and the transition of the Gambia from dictatorship to a democracy, the NewGambia. Yusef has been working with Gainako as a media practitioner from 2015 to date. He has a degree in Civil Engineering with 5 years of Design Consultancy experience.

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