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IEC Chair Says No Incident Has Been Reported So Far

The Chairperson of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) Alieu Momarr Njai issued a statement on the National Assembly Elections scheduled to take place on Saturday 9th April 2022. The statement was issued during an engagement with Election Observers at the Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara Conference Centre. The statement read out by the IEC Chairperson notes that no incident has been reported so far and that the Police will provide appropriate security during the elections. Below is the statement from the IEC Chairperson.

By IEC Chairperson Alieu Momarr Njai on 6th APRIL, 2022

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen

It is my singular honour and privilege to invite you all to this very important event which is the briefing for Election Observers accredited to observe the Gambia’s National Assembly elections of 9th April, 2022.

First, I would like to introduce the members of the IEC; starting with the Chief Electoral Officer, Mr Sambujang Njie, Director of Operations, Mr Abdoulie Jeng, Director of Finance, Mr Adama Roberts, Director of Communication, Mr Pa Makan Khan and all other staff here present.

I am also pleased to welcome the Observer Missions, both Domestic and International and the various Media Houses here present; both local and international. It is indeed gratifying to have you all here.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen

As we may be aware, The Gambia is conducting National Assembly elections on Saturday 9″ April, 2022; in all 53 constituencies in the country.

Nomination of candidates was conducted from 5th to 13th March, 2022. Two hundred and fifty-one (251) candidates were duly nominated. The nomination papers of five (5) aspirants were rejected. Five (5) nominated candidates withdrew their candidature. A second nomination was conducted, but only for the Kiang West Constituency where the initial candidate died. This availed another opportunity to the Gambia for All (GFA) party to maintain its candidate in the Kiang West Constituency.

Subsequently, a total of two hundred and forty-six (246) candidates are contesting the elections. They are the candidates currently campaigning across the country.

Ladies and Gentlemen

The Campaign for the National Assembly elections started from 17th March and shall end tomorrow the 7th April, 2022.

I am pleased to report that this campaign so far has proved to be very inclusive and very peaceful. No incident was reported so far.

I would like to commend all the candidates and political parties for their sense of responsibility in ensuring the conduct of peaceful campaign rallies and meetings across the country. I implore on all the candidates and their supporters to maintain this momentum throughout the electoral process.

Distinguished Guests Ladies and Gentlemen

The IEC has concluded training of all its Polling Staff numbering about 6,000 and they are ready for deployment across the 1555 Polling Stations in The Gambia. All Electoral Materials and Equipment has also been fully deployed to all regions.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen

In order to conduct peaceful, transparent and credible elections, the need for security cannot be under stated. The Office of the Inspector General (IGP) has provided appropriate security arrangements to ensure the safety of all persons and property during the electoral process. I would like to commend the IGP for providing adequate security during the Nomination and the Campaign. I would like to commend the Police, once again, for a job well done.

Distinguished Guests Ladies and Gentlemen

The Commission will once again, put in place robust measures to ensure that the voting, counting results tabulation and declaration are done in the most transparent and accurate manner. Polling and Counting Agents from each of the Political Parties and Candidates are encouraged to watch the whole process from start to finish.

In conclusion, I would like to assure Gambians, the electorate, political parties and candidates and all other stakeholders that the Commission is fully committed to deliver to the Gambian people free, fair and transparent elections come 9h April, 2022.

On that note, I would like to thank you all for kind attention.

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