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Alleged Coup Plot: 11 Member Investigative Panel Sworn in as New NSA Appointed

The Gambia Government has released a statement announcing that an 11-member investigative panel has been sworn in by the Minister of Justice to investigate the alleged foiled coup announced on 21st December 2022. The government has released a series of press releases on the alleged coup and one more on the appointment of a new National Security Adviser in Mr Abubakarr Suleiman Jeng.

An additional two press releases have also been issued by the Police on the situation surrounding the arrest of the Opposition United Democratic Party Campaign Manager, Mr Momodou Sabally.

Below are the press releases from the Gambia Government spokesperson Ebrima G Sankareh and Deputy Spokesperson.

Press Release Dated: 28th December 2022

President Barrow Appoints Abubakarr Suleiman Jeng as New National Security Adviser

Banjul, The Gambia — His Excellency President Adama Barrow, acting in accordance with powers vested in him by the 1997 Constitution of The Gambia, has appointed Mr Abubakarr Suleiman Jeng his new National Security Adviser (NSA) effective 1st December 2022.

Mr Jeng is a career police officer with extensive professional experience at home and abroad. He served in various capacities including Commissioner of Administration of The Gambia Police Force; Senior Security Operations Officer, United Nations (UN) Assistant Mission in Somalia; Deputy Security Adviser for Administration and Support of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operations in Darfur; Special Assistant to the United Nations Police Commissioner in Liberia; Chief of Staff, UN Police Component in Liberia; Team Leader for the Darfur-related transitional planning activities at the UN Department of Peace-Keeping Operations in New York and Deputy Security Adviser, Israeli Occupied Palestinian Territory and Jerusalem.

A graduate of the National Academy of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the United States of America, Mr Jeng additionally holds an MSc Degree in Crisis/Disaster Management from Cranfield University, United Kingdom. He equally underwent intensive training in Technical Studies, Criminal Investigation, Disaster Management, Police Command and Security Crisis Management in The Gambia, Senegal, Nigeria, Ghana and Norway.

Press Release Dated: 27th December 2022

The Gambia Government Inaugurates ‘Joint Investigative Panel’ to Investigate The Alleged Coup Plot

Banjul, The Gambia — Members of the public, the Diplomatic and Consular Corps are informed that The Gambia Government has today, Tuesday 27th December 2022, inaugurated a “Joint Investigative Panel” to investigate the foiled coup plot against the legitimate Government of President Adama Barrow.

The multi-sectoral Panel draws membership from the Ministry of Justice, Office of National Security (ONS), The Gambia Armed Forces (GAF), The Gambia Police Force (GPF) and the State Intelligence Service (SIS) to exhaustively, professionally and impartially investigate the alleged coup plot.

Consistent with the due process of the law, the 11-member Panel was sworn to an Oath of Secrecy administered by the Solicitor General, Ministry of Justice.

The investigators have thirty (30) days effective today to investigate, prepare and submit their report on the alleged coup plot.

The brief inauguration ceremony, chaired by the new National Security Adviser, Mr Abubakarr Suleiman Jeng was witnessed by the Chief of Defence Staff of The Gambia Armed Forces, The Inspector General of Police, the Director General of the State Intelligence Services and The Gambia Government Spokesperson & Presidential Diaspora Adviser.

Press Release Dated: 26nd December 2022

UPDATE ON THE ALLEGED COUP PLOT Banjul, The Gambia – The public is informed that two more soldiers linked to the alleged foiled coup plot were arrested over the weekend and are helping investigators unearth allegations of plans to overthrow the Government of President Adama Barrow.

The officers are: Captain Ebrima Baldeh from GAF Military Intelligence/Security Unit at the Defence Headquarters in Banjul. He was arrested on Sunday 25th December 2022 and Second Lieutenant Omar Colley from First Infantry Battalion, Yundum Army Barracks (The morning Gambia National Army). He was arrested on Saturday 24th December 2022.

The search for Badjie and Warrant Officer Class 2, Lamin Jadama continues. Meanwhile, consistent with international best practices, The Gambia Government will tomorrow, inaugurate a legally constituted investigative panel formally tasked with all investigations surrounding the foiled coup plot.

Press Release Dated: 21st December 2022


The Gambia Government Statement on Alleged Coup Plot by Soldiers of ‘The Gambia Armed Forces’ (GAF)

Banjul, The Gambia — The Gambia Government announces that based on intelligence reports that some soldiers of the Gambian army were plotting to overthrow the democratically elected Government of President Adama Barrow, the GAF High Command in a swift military operation conducted yesterday, arrested four soldiers linked to this alleged coup plot.

Those arrested are Lance Corporal Sanna Fadera from the Gambia Navy as the alleged ring leader of the plot; Corporal Mbarra Touray from 1st Infantry Battalion, Yundum Barracks; Corporal Ebrahima Sanno from the Military Police who is currently on study leave and Sergeant Gibril Darboe from The Gambia Navy. The apprehended soldiers are currently helping the Military Police with their investigations.

Meanwhile, alleged soldiers involved in the plot either being pursued or on the run are Corporal Njie B from the State Guards Battalion; Warrant Officer Class 2 Jadama from The Gambia Navy and one Badjie from The Gambia Navy. The first names of Jadama and Badjie are yet to be established.

Investigations into this matter are continuing and members of the public would be accordingly informed of any developments as the situation unfolds.

Citizens, residents and members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps are urged to carry on with their normal activities as the situation is under total control and there is no need to panic.

Mr Momodou Sabally

Meanwhile, on 21st December 2022, the Gambia Police Force Reported this update on its Social Media page on the situation surrounding the arrest of the Campaign Manager for the Opposition United Democratic Party, Mr Momodou Sabally. The outspoken Mr Sabally was arrested on the 21st of December 2022 and detained for over 72 hours after a Judge extended his detention to the 5th of January 2022 when he is set to appear.

Police Update on Sabally’s Detention

Mr Momodou Sabally is smoothly undergoing the investigation process with the police. He is granted all permissions to legal representation and his lawyer is present with him, where Sabally is writing his statement.

The police have denied unwarranted entries into the premises where the investigation is currently taking place.

While the police continue to observe all legitimate procedures of investigation, the General Public, especially online users, are advised to avoid misinforming the public and spreading false information that is capable of causing panic.


The GPF can confirm that Mr Momodou Sabally has been invited to the police for questioning this afternoon, 21st December 2022.

Mr Sabally’s arrest is in connection to an alleged viral circulation suggesting how the president will be unseated before the local government elections.

While the investigations are ongoing, the general public is advised to remain calm and allow the police to do their job without any interference.

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