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Shortage of land surveyor impedes service delivery in Sarpang

As the country continues to face human resource shortage, four gewogs of Umling, Taraythang, Chhuzergang and Serzhong in Sarpang are grappling with inadequate land surveyors. The shortage has hampered the provision of quality and timely public service. The issue was raised in the recent Dzongkhag Tshogdu.

At the moment, there are two land record officials to cover four gewogs. Due to the shortage, some land-related issues have been delayed by nearly three months. The four gewogs have around 9,000 people.

“There are two surveyors at the Umling Dungkhag office who cater services to four gewogs. One has to be in the office as most of the official work has to be done online these days, including printing the new Lag Thram. And the other one has to be in the field, sometimes attending court verdicts and other cases. In a month, the four gewogs see around 30 to 40 different types of cases. As a result, it’s been difficult for the people to avail of the services on time,” said Thinley Wangchuk, Umling Mangmi.

“The issue is not only in the Dungkhag office, but it has also affected people of all the gewogs in Sarpang. In the absence of adequate surveyors, it has been difficult to get services on time,” said Jigme, Singye Gup.

“The shortage is not only in the Dungkhag but also in the district. Therefore, we would like to request a surveyor in the dungkhag and one in the dzongkhag. This would greatly help us to cater service to the public,” said Wangdi, the officiating land record officer of Sarpang.

With land-related issues increasing in the district, the Dzongkhag Tshogdu decided to write to the government, requesting additional land surveyors.

Karma Wangdi, Sarpang

Edited by Sonam Pem