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Dorji Lopen consecrates renovated Shelma Goenpai Lhakhang, Chhukha

The Dorji Lopen of the Central Monastic Body consecrated the renovated Shelma Goenpai Lhakhang in Chapchha Gewog in Chhukha today. According to the village residents, the lhakhang was initially built in the 15th century by a Sacha Lam from Tibet and is considered the residence of Lam Sacha Poenchhen.

The renovation of the lhakhang cost over Nu 4 M with the Chapchha Gewog Administration providing Nu 1 M and the remaining amount being contributed by various business entities and village residents. Shelma Goenpa village comprises over 30 households.

According to the residents of Shelma Goenpa, the renovated lhakhang will ease the difficulties they faced during rituals in the past.