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Dewathang’s new weaving centre provides women with new skills and income opportunities, S/Jongkhar

In a bid to empower women and offer them a fresh avenue for income generation, the Dewathang Gewog Administration has established a weaving centre, which was inaugurated recently. The centre now serves as a valuable platform for women to acquire new skills. Currently, 15 women from Dewathang Gewog in Samdrup Jongkhar are enrolled in a two-month tailoring course at the centre, expanding their capabilities beyond weaving.

Melam Zangmo, a resident of Domphu village, is actively engaged in learning various tailoring skills, including stitching tego, wonju, and more at the weaving centre situated in Domphu-Dungkarchheoling Chiwog.

Melam Zangmo shares that weaving has been a significant source of income for her, and now, with the addition of tailoring skills, she anticipates the opportunity to enhance her earnings further.

“I can weave almost all types of clothes, but after weaving we are not able to stitch it. So now, with this tailoring course, I think I will be able to stitch cloths myself and earn income from it.”

“By weaving I earn about Nu 5,000 in two months. I can help my family to meet our daily expenses. And now knowing how to stitch cloths I will not have to depend on others for tailoring purposes,” said Sangay Choden, a resident of Damphu.

The establishment of the centre has not only benefited women but also provided valuable opportunities for the youth in the gewog.

Choni Dema, a recent class 12 graduate, is delighted in being able to learn new skills within her own village without the need to travel elsewhere.

“This type will help me in my life. It is difficult to get a job and after this training, I am thinking of setting up a business.”

As per the gewog office, upon completion of the tailoring course, a women’s group will be established to manage the weaving centre.

This group will not only engage in weaving activities but also offer tailoring services to the community, operating directly from the centre.

In addition to creating job opportunities and facilitating skills development, the centre is envisioned to preserve and promote the Bhutanese tradition of weaving.

The centre was constructed by the gewog office at a cost of Nu 3 M.

Kinley Wangchuk, Samdrup Jongkhar

Edited by Sherub Dorji