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CCTV cameras installed along highway between Punakha and Thimphu

Expect to be fined if you are caught disposing waste illegally while you are on the road in Punakha. The Punakha District Administration has completed works to install CCTV cameras along the highway between Punakha and Thimphu. The district started this initiative last month to address waste management issues along the highway.

The Punakha District Administration has completed installing CCTV cameras along the highway between Lampelri and Zomlingthang.

The cameras will capture those who throw waste from their vehicles and the Punakha District Administration will impose fine accordingly.

The cameras are installed not only along the highway but also in recreational sites and picnic spots as Punakha is one of the popular pilgrimage and tourist destinations.

“We have installed CCTV along the highways but the exact locations are not shown. Some cameras are visible in certain places while others are not. So please refrain yourself from throwing the waste,” said Ugyen Tshering, Punakha Dzongrab.

“If anyone throws waste, they will be recorded. Since the camera is backed up by solar power, it will operate and function even during nighttime,” said Kinley Gyeltshen, district ICT Officer.

This move by the District Administration is a step toward making Punakha a waste-free society. According to the Waste Prevention and Management regulations, the fine for littering at any public place is Nu 250. Likewise, those found dumping wastes in the environment are fined Nu 3,000.

Kelzang Thinley, Punakha

Edited by Phub Gyem