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Budget proposed to provide subsidy and reduce the power tiller hiring charges : MoAL Minister

The agriculture and livestock ministry has proposed to provide subsidy and reduce the power tiller hiring charges, in the next financial year. The minister said this during the Question Hour session in the National Assembly, yesterday. According to the minister, Nu 250 M budget has been proposed for the next financial year and the Parliament has yet to pass the budget. The Khamdang_Ramjar MP asked the government if there are any possibilities to provide subsidy.

According to the Khamdang-Ramjar MP Karma Gyeltshen, these days, farmers have to pay about Nu 2,500 per day as power tiller hiring charges to the Farm Machinery Corporation compared to the previous rate of Nu 1,800.

“The people are saying that the government has supported them until last year. But they are saying they did not receive it this year. It would be beneficial if the government can revisit it.”

Some local leaders BBS talked to in Pema Gatshel said the reduction in hiring charges will encourage farmers to work harder.

“In the past, the power tillers provided by the government really benefited us. Since the increase in hiring charge, the people have not been able to use the services like before. If the government, instead of recollecting, reduces the cost to the previous cost, the farmers will be more encouraged to do farm works,” said Bopo Drukpa, Yalang Tshogpa of Shumar Gewog.

“This year, the cost has been increased. We were not able to utilize any of the machines this year and they remained idle near our gewog. Looking at the situation, it would be better if they recollect the machines if the cost cannot be reduced,” said Sonam Dendup, Shumar Gup.

According to the agriculture and livestock minister Yeshey Penjor, the government was not able to provide subsidy during the current financial year due to budget constraints.

“As proposed by the agriculture and livestock ministry, there is Nu 250 M allocated for subsidy in the budget. If the Members of Parliament support it while deliberating the report, we will be able to provide the services.”

Meanwhile, the minister also added that the gewogs can decide and surrender the power tillers if they do not want it. The minister clarified this as the FMCL has notified three districts of the east, Pema Gatshel, Trashigang, and Trashi Yangtse to re-collect 138 power tillers.

 Tshering Deki and Thinley Dorji

Edited by Tshering Zam