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Puff Of Colour postponed Loop Barbados

The upcoming Puff Of Colour jouvert event slated for this Saturday, July 8, has been postponed.

Unfortunately we have felt the impact of… concerns raised over perceived risks of jouvert events

In a notice made today, Thursday, July 6, promoters explained that they felt like they are “left with no choice” but to postpone the popular event which has existed for 11 years.

“Hello Puff Of Colour Family. This is the notice we were avoiding writing, but the situation has now gone beyond our control. We regret this, but we now feel left with no choice, but to postpone Puff Of Colour P12, which was scheduled for Saturday, July 8, 2023.”

Going into more detail, the POC team explained that this was due to a delay in the legal cover needed to move forward with preparations for the event, which was withheld due to concerns surrounding jouvert events.

“Unfortunately we have felt the impact of recent events, and as a result some of the legal cover we needed to move forward, was withheld due to concerns raised over perceived risks of jouvert events. Although those wheels have finally started turning, the delay in timing has resulted in unforeseen changes in our plans for this year’s installment, and it would be impossible to execute at the standard we believe our patrons deserve.”

The POC team thanked those persons who worked tirelessly in an effort to resolve the matter, including authorities and fellow promoters.

“At this time we want to say thank you to the team of people who have believed in POC and worked tirelessly to resolve this matter. It has been heart-warming to have received such robust support from our sponsors, long-term POC family, the authorities and from fellow promoters who worked alongside us to find appropriate solutions.”

As it relates to ticketholders, they were told to look forward for an update in the coming days.

“The decision to postpone is unfortunately an immediate one so we will need a little time to rearrange the event and determine details for the next Puff Of Colour. We will therefore have an update for ticketholders within the next few days.”

“People unite for fun at POC and stepping outside with you guys is the highlight of our year. So a big thank you also goes out to our patrons of all ages, who demonstrate the culture of safety and joy which we have tried to represent for the past 11 years.”

“We were really looking forward to partying with all of you on Saturday, but we will be back!!!” the notice added.